Mariah Wells
November 12, 2022
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Cannabis, like some other medications, has some side effects. Here at SweetGrass, our number one priority is to ensure your safety when it comes to your cannabinoid consumption.

  • Cannabis is stronger than it used to be because modern marijuana plants contain higher amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The higher the THC content, the stronger the effects on your brain and behavior.
  • The effects of high concentrations of THC are not fully understood but can impair your judgment and coordination, and lead to poisonings, car crashes, and other injuries. It can also increase your risk for acute psychosis.
  • Everyone reacts differently to cannabis. Factors include gender, previous experience, the method in which it is used, and the strength of the cannabis.8 Your experience may also be affected by body weight and whether or not there is food in your system.
  • Even a single dose of THC can impair your ability to drive, bike, or do other activities - especially if you are not a regular user
  • While a single dose of marijuana is considered to be approximately 10 mg of THC, it is recommended that you start with less than 10 mg and wait to see how it affects you before using more.

Please be mindful of your consumption. Do not use cannabinoids when you have to operate machinery. If you have a questions about using cannabis safely and responsibly stop by SweetGrass to speak with one of our qualified Care Consultants.

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Mariah Wells
Mariah Wells
VP Managing Partner

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