Cannabis is now in Mississippi - find out more.

That’s right, Cannabis is now legal medicinally in the state of Mississippi! Here, we have gathered “Need to Know Facts” just for you. You will find Possession and purchase limits, potency caps and Patient Identification Card pricing.
Renewal Fees
1. The standard nonrefundable fee is $25.00.
2. The nonrefundable fee for a 100% disabled veteran or disabled first responder is waived. A disabled veteran or disabled first responder may prove their disability by providing written documentation to the Department from the Social Security Disability Office or documentation that attests the applicant is a 100% disabled veteran as determined by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.
3. The nonrefundable fee for a Mississippi Medicaid participant shall be $15.00. Medicaid status will be verified at the time of renewal.
4. All renewal fees are nonrefundable. Fees must be paid in the manner set forth by the Department at the time of renewal.
Possession and Purchase Limits
- Possession and purchase limits are calculated based on "Medical Cannabis Equivalency Units" (MCEUs) of 3.5 grams of flower, up to 100 mg of THC in infused products, and up to one gram of concentrate.
- Patients may not purchase more than six MCEUs in a week (21 grams, which is less than 3/4 ounce).
- Patients may not purchase more than 24 MCEUs in a month (84 grams, which is less than 3 ounces).
- Patients may not possess more than 28 MCEUs at one time (98 grams, which is less than 3.5 ounces).
Potency Caps
- Flower cannot exceed 30% THC.
- Tinctures, oils, and concentrates may not exceed 60%.
Other Limitations
- Patients could not smoke or vaporize cannabis in a motor vehicle or in public.
- Patients and caregivers are not allowed to grow their own cannabis.
- Minors only qualify with their parent or guardian’s consent and control of cannabis administration and dosage.
- Patients under 21 cannot enter a dispensary without their parent or guardian.
- Patients may not drive, operate a boat, train, or aircraft, or undertake any task that would be negligent or entail professional malpractice while under the influence.
- The bill does not require insurance or state plans to cover medical cannabis.
- The bill does not require any employer to allow patients to use medical cannabis or prevent them from requiring drug testing.
- The bill appears to allow landlords to ban tenants from using medical cannabis at home.
- Cardholders and medical cannabis establishment staffers who divert cannabis can have their ID cards revoked, in addition to facing felony penalties.
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